Friday, May 6, 2011

I should research this...

Whatever happened to commodities?  No, not the kind that are traded on the stock market--the kind that the government used to give out to people under a certain income.  Staples like butter, oatmeal, rice, that horrid meat in a can that nobody wanted to eat, dried milk that tasted like any other kind of dried milk from the store, butter, dried beans and split peas... what ever happened to this?

Seems to me that for those who are struggling might appreciate this.  Yes, I know many would turn up their noses because they want things they can microwave and eat, and dried beans have to be soaked and rinsed and cooked.  But I'd be willing to do that.  Dried milk goes great in stuff like biscuits; you can't even tell it's dried and re-hydrated.

Hmm.  Guess I'd better go research.  Seems to me we could use that.  Well, some of us sure could, anyway.


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