Saturday, April 23, 2011

Way crazy idea here

Hi, folks.  I've been busy for a few days.  So I come back here with a strange idea.  Oh, wait.  I'm full of strange ideas, so this shouldn't be much of a shock.

What about providing little houses that can be moved, instead of Section 8?  At least to those who are open to the idea.

I'm talking about single people living in something about the size of a park model mobile home.  In tornado country, this would mean that the trailers would need to be anchored to a concrete pad, and that a tornado shelter would need to be available, but think of the advantages.  If the resident needed to move, they could pack all their stuff into boxes, set the boxes carefully on the floor, put their dishes and breakables in boxes and take them with them on moving day... and have their trailer towed to another park specially set up for those who live in these little houses.

We could be picky and drug-test those who are issued these little houses.

It would not be legal to sell said house, but if the person wanted, it would be theirs for the rest of their life.

Okay, back to our regularly scheduled thoughts. 



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