Saturday, April 16, 2011

What's Spottedcat speaking about?

I'm accused of being a whiner, and I have reluctantly claimed this as part of who I am.  I whine about whatever doesn't work right in my world.  I live in the United States.  We are in the 21st century.  This gives me a lot of whineable subjects.

But I don't merely whine.  I have great ideas, if only somebody would consider them.  Well, I mean someone besides my friends.  How about this?

Why are there not enough jobs to go around? 

The United States expanded across the North American continent in great part because there were things to do--to get paid for doing, or to make a living--and there were more of these opportunities than there were people to take advantage of them.  "Go west, young man." 

And so Americans came to believe that anybody who wanted to succeed in this country could do so.  All they had to do was be willing to work.

Is it still so? 

You tell me.  I'm working part-time, and I can't get full-time at my job because of the budget crisis.  I can't live on what I make.  I am willing to work full-time.  I would love to work full-time.  I'm an office worker and I have years of experience.  Word processing?  You bet.  Customer service, including face-to-face?  I've got that too.  Confidentiality?  Yes, in every job I've held.  I'm a good employee.  I don't get sick very often.  I am clean, have a college degree, and I sincerely want to do my best at my job.

Why can't I find a job that will support me in these expensive times?  Is there a reason I am eating ramen noodles for supper so I will hopefully be able to pay my car insurance, my home insurance, my medical bills (and it doesn't take much to get a whopping medical bill even with medical insurance) and am worried about being able to take my cat to the vet?

Does this sound familiar?  Yeah, I thought so.

What I am looking for is answers.  This will lead to more questions, which will need more answers.  Want to help me look?  Sure you do.  Why else would you have read all the way to the bottom of this post?

Answers, then.  We pursue them.


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